Strategic Growth & Resiliency Coach

Helping You & Your Business Grow

I’m here to help you achieve success and sustainability, feel confident in your strategy, and continue to set your own course as an entrepreneur. Let’s link arms and tackle it together.

Business Growth Coaching

Whether you have just started (or restarted) your business or have been in business for years, what you did to get here is different than what you need to get to the next level.

Training Resources

Online courses, speaking events, and classroom style learning – all create opportunities to grow and learn.

Goal Setting

You can't hit a target you can't see.

Strategic Planning

There is no reason we have to learn all the lessons the hard way – we can learn and borrow from successful models and systems.

Stress Management

You are the power core of your business - in fact, your business is a mirror reflection of yourself.  Are you clear, energetic, and focused?  Your business needs you to be.

Leadership Resources

Managing a team requires different tools than doing it all yourself.  Learn how to delegate, systematize, and scale to bring more freedom into your business model.

Coaching is a series of intentional conversations.

These conversations are strategically designed to empower someone to get from where they are to where they want to go. It’s different than consulting, mentoring, therapy, or training.

Support & Accountability

It is like having Crisco on the tracks of success – you can’t help but get traction because you are consistently and strategically moving forward.


Use the power of continuous motion to your benefit by eliminating stall time and procrastination, analysis paralysis, or fear.

Less Dumb Tax

Save time, money, and energy by using mentors and role models to learn from instead of recreating the wheel.

Marketing Know-How

Ever feel like the world of digital marketing and how it influences the sales game is passing you by in the marketplace?  Get in the know with real time sales and marketing insight for maximum ROI.

Energy is Power

Creating anything takes focus and focus takes confidence.  When you are super clear on your direction, it’s a million times easier to make forward motion and stay in action.

About Theresa

After many years of successful real estate and Fortune 500 selling and management, in 2006 I decided to follow my passion and break into the personal growth and development industry. I believe that when you break through limiting beliefs, link arms with strategic guides, and stay in inspired action, amazing things happen.


There are some humans that you instantly know are wise and powerful. Theresa is one of those larger than life people who inspires transformation; her belief in what’s possible is infectious. Working with her and watching her work with mutual clients for the past decade has been a lesson in excellent listening skills, finding core issues behind the less than optimal results, and breakthroughs impacting lives and bottom lines.

M. Castle - Entrepreneur

The beauty of working with Theresa one-on-one is her willingness and ability to take the structure that she had already created and tailor it to fit MY needs in the order that made the biggest impact in growing my business. She is astute, savvy, supportive, and candid. Everything I wanted in a coach. She intuitively knows how to guide me past my comfort zone to help me grow both personally and professionally.

Working with Theresa has given me the clarity I needed to find my audience and the foundation I need to flourish. With that clarity comes joy and passion about what I’m doing and who I’m doing it for.

M. Hill - Coach, Author, & Speaker

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Theresa Bassett for over a decade. She is a person who strives to inspire those around her to be their very best self. She does this with an open heart, valuable tools and intentional methods. When she entered my life, I was at a low point physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. She poured herself into lifting me up to find MY best self and purpose and the impact of knowing her has changed my life. Theresa is a servant leader with a love for people and those that have the opportunity to know her are richly blessed.

A. Stephens - Network Marketer

Training Resources

Resiliency – Book

My personal resiliency story.  My comeback story is a huge part of who I am today and my faith was a big part of that journey.  Regardless of your faith, skip the inspiration or embrace the included devotional.

The JumpStart Challenge

Hit the fast forward button with this 7-day online business momentum course. You'll get a workbook and video tutorials to guide you day-by-day.

This product is being released in August 2020.  Put your name on the interest list here.

The 9 "C's" of Momentum Assessment

Not sure you are a good fit for high performance coaching? Take this simple assessment and find out.

Get in Touch

Have a question or ready to schedule a 1:1? Message me. 

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Blinders On

Blinders On

Have you ever watched a racehorse do his thing?  It’s amazing to watch, in part because the horses run so close together.  I have such respect for those horses - they are so beautiful to watch, stretching to their limit to do what they have been born and...